Our Church

Pastor Isiah Walker & Wife Devona


Pastor Isiah Walker was born to the parentage of Alonzo and Patsy Walker in the summer of 1947 in Bartlett, Texas. Due to the death of his father at the young age of 6 years old, he had to work in the cotton fields of Texas which not only gave him a work ethic but also a desire to head west to California, “the bright lights”. When he arrived in California, he lived with his sister Geneva and was introduced to the Living Gospel Church and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the age 19.   As fate would have it Uncle Sam was waiting for him in California and he was drafted into the Army. While in the Army he experienced life to its fullest, which led to his leaving the church for 10 years. Little did he know in all of this the Lord had placed a calling on his life.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” God dealt with Pastor Walker during his absence from the church. He would find himself crying for no apparent reason while driving and hear the voice of the Lord telling him to return to the church. He finally answered that call one Saturday in the summer of 1985 and returned to the church.

He began to serve in many capacities in the church ranging from driving the van, cleaning, cooking, and holding mini Bible Studies on Saturdays.  Bishop Jefferson saw the calling of God had placed in his life to the ministry and he was placed over the Living Gospel Church in Oxnard, California where he remained faithful to every service until he was moved to the Living Gospel of Lancaster.Replica Rolex Replica Rolex

Pastor Walker is the father of five children, one son who passed away at the age of 16, and four girls who are living. He was married to Sister Willie Mae Walker for 25 years who passed away in 1995. He is currently married to Devona Elise Walker with whom he shares one daughter. Devona works for UCLA and is the administrative assistant to four Surgical Oncologists who specialize in rare cancers such as sarcoma, Merkel Cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Pastor Walker loves the Lord and encourages all to attend to church no matter what you are doing. The Lord loves us all and without him we can do nothing. It is the Lord that helps us with issues and hang ups, it is him how delivers us from them and heals us.


Elder Ron Cole & Wife Julia

Elder Cole is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana. The Cole family moved to California in the year of 1975.  The family attended the First Love Church of God in Christ where Brother Cole received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and his call to the ministry.
Minister Cole was found faithful and appointed as deacon and later was called to the ministry of evangelism. He used this gift in “street evangelism” and he traveled to different churches and cities as an evangelist.

Elder Cole desired something more in his spiritual life and in early 2011 he was invited to a bible study at the home of Brother and Sister Dennis Moore which later became the Living Gospel Church of Lancaster.  Elder Cole during has served in many capacities, ranging from custodial services, maintenance, musicians, bible study teacher, assisting with the brotherhood, and the evangelistic team.

Elder Cole retired from the Los Angeles Unified School District in 2007 after 28 years of service as a Sheet Metal/ Maintenance Worker. He has been married to Sister Julia Cole for over 33 years.  Elder Cole has two daughters, one son and two grandsons. Sister Julia serves as the women’s leader but has also served in the music ministry, children’s bible study, maintenance, and hospitality.  She has been a Licensed Vocational Nurse for 36 years.  She currently works as a clinical instructor at Career Care Institute in Lancaster.


Deacon Donte Edwards & Wife La'Tasha

Brother Donte is a native of Los Angeles, California. In the year of 2000, the Lord ordered his steps to the Living Gospel Church in Los Angeles, CA. He served in many capacities in the church ranging from evangelism, baptizing of saints to working in the kitchen, cleaning the church, transportation, parking lot attendant and audio visual.

In 2002, Brother Donte felt the call to ministry and was assigned as the high school Sunday Morning Bible Teacher, where he served until 2014. In that same year, he was reassigned to the Lancaster assembly to serve in ministry where he continues to work and serve the people of God under the leadership of Pastor Isiah Walker.

While at a car wash, Brother Donte witnessed Sister La’Tasha and invited her to the Living Gospel Church in Los Angeles, CA. In 2015, she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Later that year, while driving home, his eyes became opened when God laid Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord.”  Eleven months later Brother Donte and Sister La‘Tasha were married.

Brother Donte currently works as an Area Supervisor for all the South Bay, West Los Angeles, and the Malibu Canyons area. In 2008, he started his own Mobile barbering business. Sister La’Tasha earned her doctorate degree in Nursing Practice from Capella University. She is currently working as the Director of Nursing program at a higher learning institution in California. In addition, she is also a Clinical Site Supervisor, Nurse Practitioner learner for a private Christian based university in Arizona. Sister La’Tasha loves playing her tambourine and working with the saints. Brother and Sister Edwards, have three children between the two of them and grandsons.

Our Brotherhood

Ephesians 5:25 instructs men to love their wives as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. The Men’s Department strives to produce men who will love their wives and families. We are a church that believes in a family of which the husband is the head. It is the responsibility of the church to produce men who love God and are willing to take on His divine nature. This will allow the man to love his wife and family, if he marries, and if not, to love the church and its members with the love of God.


Our Sisterhood

Jeremiah 9:17-18 states: "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Consider ye, and call for the mourning women, that they may come; and send for cunning women, that they may come:18 And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters."

If ever there ever was a time that women needed to be on their knees in prayer it is now. We need guidance on how to deal with our spouses, children, extended family, jobs and if we are truthful, ourselves. We believe that coming together in prayer and allowing the Lord to unify our hearts and minds gives us the guidance we need so desperately. It is prayer that allows us to defeat the enemy of our minds which ultimately defeats the strong hold he has on us. This enables us to be the WOMEN, encouragers, succorers and sisters that God is calling for in the last and evil days.

Our Youth

Proverbs 22: 6 states: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

It is our mission to produce well rounded and spiritual youth in a world that is full of darkness. The youth are faced with life and its challenges at a very young age and it is the responsibility of the church to teach them the principles of God in a manner to facilitate His precepts in their lives. This process is what produces children after the heart of God.
